Ubuntu 16.04 launcher is missing after installing new updates

Solution 1:

After spending so much times and searching, I tested almost all the solutions on the internet.

  1. Problems after upgrading to 14.04 (only background and pointer after login)
  2. Launcher disappeared
  3. Ubuntu 16.04 no menu bar or launcher - help!

But problem didn't solve. Totally the only solution which worked for me was follwing this instruction:

  1. open /usr/bin/ and run gnome-terminal.real
  2. run adduser newuser to create a new user
  3. run kill -9 -1 to logout
  4. login using newuser
  5. do #1 again
  6. run su olduser and enter your password
  7. run mv /home/olduser /home/olduser_backup
  8. run mkdir /home/olduser
  9. run chown olduser:olduser /home/olduser
  10. run reboot
  11. login using olduser

Totally you can delete newuser by running these commands:

sudo deluser newuser
sudo rm /home/newuser -rf

Solution 2:

After updating my Ubuntu 16.04 I experienced the same issue. I solved it by removing the /home/your_username/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig directory:

rm -rf /home/your_username/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig

After which I logged out and in.

The directory originally contained the files:

  • config
  • Default.ini
  • done_upgrades

After removing the directory and logging in and out, it now contains the files:

  • config
  • done_upgrades

The done_upgrades file has not changed and the config file has changed from:

backend = ini
profile = 
integration = true
plugin_list_autosort = true


profile = unity-lowgfx

The removed Default.ini contained:

s0_outputs = 1488x858+0+0;

So I guess the issue was caused by one of these files, but I know nothing about compiz, so I cannot tell what could have caused it.