Solution 1:

/dev/sdb is the entire block device, you don't mount this.
You mount a partion that is on the device, example:

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt 

From the first image, it looks as if there are no partitions on the disk any way, or you have recently made some changes to the partiton table and the kernel is not aware of them, so it is best to run

sudo partprobe

after making changes to inform the kernel to take a look at the new partion table.
No need to reboot, just run partprobe.

You mount the partitions on the disk to a mount point somewhere on the root filesystem (/).
Don't mount the disk directly to / , i.e. don't do the below as you'll be mounting over you root filesystem.

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 / #wrong

Typically, you mount to /mnt or /media or a subdirectory within those for temporary mounting; or by creating a dedicated mount point for that device, /data/ is common.

sudo mkdir /data
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /data

Also, why does it say 17-May-2015?
That is the release date for that version of e2fsck.

Solution 2:

New hard drives need to have a new partition created on them so that they can be used. I recommend using gparted. To install the program, type in the following from a terminal window:

sudo apt install gparted

Then gparted needs to be ran with elevated permissions:

sudo gparted

After your drive is configured, now you need to mount it somewhere. If you want it accessible, you need to create a mount point on your computer for it first. From the terminal window type in the following to create the mount point:

sudo mkdir -p /media/datadrive

we are just going to use datadrive as the example for the mount point.

Next, we need to get the UUID of the drive so we can make the mount come up the same every boot.

sudo blkid

Here is an example:

terrance@terrance-ubuntu:~$ sudo blkid
/dev/sde1: UUID="9e4539a5-7229-424e-aa91-60ab1417e6f1" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="00090c7c-01"

Using the UUID number from the above example, now we are going to add it to the /etc/fstab file. Use your favorite editor, and add the following line to the /etc/fstab file. Note: This file is owned by root, so it needs to be edited with elevated permissions.

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Then add to the bottom:

UUID=9e4539a5-7229-424e-aa91-60ab1417e6f1 /media/datadrive ext4 defaults 0 0

You can now activate the mount by typing in the following with no reboot required:

sudo mount -a

Now on every reboot the new drive will mount to the /media/datadrive mount point every time.

Hope this helps!