HIbernate issue with Oracle Trigger for generating id from a sequence

Just update your trigger to only fire when not given an id.

create or replace
trigger sa.my_trigger
before insert on sa.my_table
for each row
when (new.id is null)
   select sa.my_sequence.nextval
    into :new.id
    from dual;

The above solution is great, it's saved me a lot of headaches on this problem.

My only gripe is it opens the door to user/codes to insert any ID value without actually inquiring the sequence.

I've found the following solution also works. It lets Hibernate find the max ID and have it incremented every time an insert statement is executed. But when it hits the database, the ID is ignored and replaced by the one generated by the trigger, so there's no uniqueness in a cluster problem:

    @GenericGenerator(name="increment", strategy = "increment")
    private Long id;

The biggest drawback is @GenericGenerator is a Hibernate annotation, so you lose JPA's portability. It's also not clear to the programmers that this ID is actually linked to a sequence while in fact, it's one of the tightest coupled solutions that use a sequence.