How can I see the full name of NIC properties?

In the English version of my NIC properties dialog, I can read all settings just fine:

enter image description here

But on localized systems, there can be a slightly different picture:

enter image description here

What exactly is the difference between the first and the second property? How can I find out? The dialog can't be resized and the entries have no tooltips either.

Nirsoft makes a program SysExporter that can extract the contents of most windows, in the windows systems.
"SysExporter" I like to call it a Window snagger, it can grab text of just about anything. titles, status, text boxes, context menus even html off a web browser.

Because it is getting the contents from the system itself , even hidden items will be able to be seen or extracted. You could use it in this situation to see all the text that belonged in that text box.

enter image description here
Once it is running just drag that target circle to the exact location you want to grab.

Tips from using it:

  • You may have to Run_As Administrator.

  • It helps to have other stuff closed, and minimal things going on in other windows generally, it will even lock-up (not responding) on my machine with too many things going on and being updated.

    • It might help to turn off AutoRefresh in the Options menu.

    • Filters can be applied in the filters menu.

Without sounding like an ad, tools like this can come in handy for many other purposes, a good one to have in your utility closet :-)