ASP.NET MVC How to specify which folder the View pages reside in?

by default the ASP.NET MVC engine searches the following folders for View pages:

  • /Views/{Controller_Name}/{Action}.aspx
  • /Views/Shared/{Action}.aspx

However I want to put some of my View pages like this:

  • /Views/{Namespace}/{Controller_Name}/{Action}.aspx

How can I let the engine look for this?

You can return view placed in custom sub-folders, from controller action by, giving out full view path in return statement,


public ActionResult Create()
    return View("~/Views/ProEnhance/Employee/Create.cshtml");


ProEnhance - user defined folder

Employee - Controller Name

Create - action Name

You have to create a class derived from IViewEngine interface and register this class in Aplication_Start event in Global.asax.cs Check this link text, but there are some differences with 1.0