MVC 3: Conditionally Adding the Disabled Attribute with the HtmlHelpers

Define this somewhere in your view/helpers

@functions {
 object getHtmlAttributes (bool ReadOnly, string CssClass) 
     if (ReadOnly) {
         return new { @class = CssClass, @readonly = "readonly" };
     return new { @class = CssClass };

Then use :

@Html.TextBox("name", "value", @getHtmlAttributes(Model.ReadOnly, "test"))

Here's my answer from this similar question:

I created the following Helper - it takes a boolean and an anonymous object. If disabled is true, it adds the disabled attribute to the anonymous object (which is actually a Dictionary) with the value "disabled", otherwise it doesn't add the property at all.

public static RouteValueDictionary ConditionalDisable(
   bool disabled, 
   object htmlAttributes = null)
   var dictionary = HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes);

   if (disabled)
      dictionary.Add("disabled", "disabled");

   return dictionary;

An example of it in action:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SomeProperty,    
   HtmlHelpers.ConditionalDisable(true, new { @class = "someClass"))

One huge advantage to this approach for me was that it works with virtually all of the MVC HtmlHelpers since they all have Overloads that accept a RouteValueDictionary instead of an anonymous object.

HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes() uses some fancy code ninja work to get things done. I'm not entirely sure how performant it is... but it's been sufficient for what I use it for. Your mileage may vary.

I don't especially like the name of it - but I couldn't come up with anything better. Renaming is easy.

I also don't love the usage syntax - but again I couldn't come up with anything better. It shouldn't be difficult to change. An extension method on object is one idea... you'd end up with new { @class = "someClass" }.ConditionalDisable(true) but then if you only want the disable attribute and don't have anything additional to add you end up with something gross like new {}.ConditionalDisable(true); and you also end up with an extension method that shows up for all object... which is probably not desirable.

If you want more terse syntax without requiring a helper function, you could use a ternary statement when defining the dictionary used for the html attributes of the @HTML.Checkbox helper...

@Html.CheckBox("CheckBox1", true, Model.ReadOnly 
       ? new { @class = "Class1", @disabled = Model.ReadOnly } 
       : null)

In this case is Model.ReadOnly is false, null gets passed as the dictionary of html attributes.

Performing the addition of the disabled attribute client side works for me. Note you should check which fields are allowed to be edited server side, but that is true for where the disabled attribute is declared decoratively also.

In this example I have disabled all childeren of a form using jQuery.

    if (Model.CanEdit)
        <script type="text/javascript">

            $(document).ready(function() {

                $('#editForm *').attr('disabled', true);
