Is Ubuntu One available for Fedora?

I just wondering why Ubuntu is not developing the Ubuntu One client for Fedora even the closed source one. It will help to broaden the Ubuntu Cloud and revenue generating Ubuntu Music store by introducing the same to Fedora and other Linux distribution. Looking forward to see this happen in near future.

Here's a Yum repo with updated UbuntuOne RPMs for Fedora

Yum Setup

Download and install the .repo file into /etc/yum.repos.d/:

sudo mv fedora-ubuntuone.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ 

Install the ubuntuone-client package and all of its dependencies:

sudo yum install ubuntuone-client 

UbuntuOne Client Setup

Connect to UbuntuOne services and authenticate:

u1sdtool --connect 

A popup window will appear where you can register a new user or use an existing account.

The Gnome Keyring will ask you to enter you passphrase in order to securely store your UbuntuOne credentials

The UbuntuOne Sync Daemon will run automatically every time you log in.

That's all! Your ~/"Ubuntu One" directory is now synchronized with your UbuntuOne cloud storage

The UbuntuOne client is free software released under the GPLv3.

I don't think that ubuntu developers will do integration work for fedora or other linux distributions, because in principle, the client can already be used. Everything else is packaging and making sure libraries are compatible. This is genuinely a fedora developer task. See here for example for someone trying to use an older version of the client on fedora 11 (the link is from 2009).