Access applications and their folders from terminal

Solution 1:

If the current directory is ~/, cd Applications goes to ~/Applications/ (which doesn't exist by default, but I guess you have an empty folder there). Try adding a slash to the start: cd /Applications/.

Solution 2:

  1. Right click on the application, click on "Show Package Contents".
  2. once the folder is displayed, navigate it to your required folder.
  3. select that file and move it on Terminal and drop it there.


cd /Applications/IntelliJ\

Solution 3:

The Application folder that you want is at the Root directory. To go to this root directory, do "cd /" after that , you can do "cd Applications" to go into the applications folder.

The Applications folder you are going into is in your Home directory. To see the full location of the current directory use "pwd". This directory will be having an empty "Applications" folder - which you are going into when you typed "cd Applications"