What is the correct term for someone who works on/with WordPress? [closed]

I'm trying to figure out what the best way to describe someone who works with/on WordPress. Some people use WordPresser but that seems a little bit clunky for me. It's easy to say WordPress developer, designer, etc but if you wanted to talk about how to talk about lots of people who work on WordPress what would be the best way for form the correct word?

Example of usage: "he was the best WordPresser of them all" etc.

I've been thinking it might be appropriate to formulate it like you would a person of a specific nationality - i.e. Italian, or whatever. But I'm not sure what would be right, both grammatically and to make sure it doesn't sound clunky.

Solution 1:

I feel that there are multiple factors working against forming an agent noun from WordPress:

  • camel case
  • the -ss ending
  • lack of distinct function of person (can be developer, designer, user, etc.)
  • multiple meanings of press outside of the word

Wordpresser seems to marginally work because presser is a real word and -er is one of the few suffixes that feel more or less short and natural here.

Wordpressman is another viable option (businessman, congressman).

However, stepping away from hammering meaning into one word, I think the accurate and non-clunky way to put it would be WordPress professional. It distinguishes activity from users, leaves brand part alone and professional has no gender/plural/whatever issues.

Solution 2:

As examples in the same domain, I can think of netizen, Wikipedian, and internaut. WordPresser is also my first instinct due to the existence of presser, and it gets some hits on google. I find WordPressian pretty understandable, and it also gets some uses from google. I think WordPressant is okay but don't see it used. I do not like and don't find uses of: WordPressaut, WordPressizen, WordPrestizen.

If you want to go by sound, the people of Cyprus are (I just discovered) called Cypriots. So WordPriots? WordPressiots?

Solution 3:

WordPresseur (or WordPresseuse, although arguably the addition of a feminised variant is sexist).

Solution 4:

A Wordpressitarianistician.

Example usage: "He was the best Wordpressitarianistician of them all"

Though I believe that there is and shouldn't be a title as such, for the same reason that we don't have a title for both developers and users of Doors and openings. "He was the best Doorer of them all".

Solution 5:

This is secondary to the real question here—I agree with the selected answer—but I have found "WordPressenter" to be a useful term for one who speaks on topics related to WordPress at conferences. </twocents>