How do I launch zathura from bash/emacs maximized / fullscreen?
I use recently discovered zathura and I like it a lot. I use it now to check the documents from emacs/AUCTeX like:
(setq TeX-view-program-list '(("zathura" "zathura --page=%(outpage) %o")))
Which is the same, for example, as:
$ zathura --page=12
I would like to launch zathura maximized and / or fullscreen and to page-width zoom.
Is there an option to do that?
Solution 1:
--mode fullscreen
. It isn't in the man file, for whatever reason.
Solution 2:
I put this alias in my ~/.bashrc to make zathura always open in full screen mode:
alias zathura='zathura --mode fullscreen'