Raw folder url path?

How can I get the URL of the raw folder? I do not want to access my asset via id but by path instead.

Solution 1:

Uri video = Uri.parse("android.resource://com.cpt.sample/raw/filename");

Using this you can access the file in raw folder, if you want to access the file in asset folder use this URL...


Make sure you don't add the extension to the filename. E.g. "/movie" not "/movie.mp4".

Solution 2:

This is to find a file named video.mp4 inside raw folder:

    String path = "android.resource://" + getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.video;

Solution 3:

Now u can do this:


Solution 4:

The point with using raw is to access with the id, for example R.raw.your_object_id. If you want to access to your resources with file path then you need to use assets.

Then you can use assets like this:

InputStream myInput = myContext.getAssets().open("MyFolder/" + "MyFile.db3");
InputStream myInpu1t = myContext.getAssets().open("MyFile_in_the_root.db3");