Change location of Google Chrome notification message

Solution 1:

This has been a request for years in Chromium (reported by [email protected], Sep 30 2013):

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. There is no option to select position for desktop notifications.
2. My opinion is for users docked windows taskbar in left right or up, they should be able to select the opision (sic) of desktop notifications too.

The final post (comment 18 by [email protected], Jan 12, 2018) states:

Lowering priority since our team's priority is currently to move notifications on all platforms to the respective native notification centres, where supported, and Chrome has no influence over where notifications are displayed by the native notification centres.

On platforms where there is no supported native notification centre (Windows <10 and some Linux variants), we fall back to the Chrome 'MessageCentre'-style notifications. For these we do have control on the location of the notifications, so we could in theory do something there, if there is still demand for this issue.

So ATOW (2018-06-13) the priority is low and, if you want Chrome's team to spend some time on this issue on your system (one of those Linux variants, Windows 8.1 or lower) because it's annoying for you, you should voice your opinion there.

Solution 2:

My Chrome has been updated recently to Version 37.0.2062.102 and the location of the notification message has now set to the top-right corner automatically.

I still don't have the option to change the location yet, but by updating the browser my issue is now fixed.

Solution 3:

It's not a feature at the moment. On the Chrome forum someone suggested using an extension to do it but I couldn't find one on the Chrome Web Store.