Routing all traffic over VPN on Ubuntu Linux
Solution 1:
Your local network is, as shown by this line in your routing table: dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src metric 1
Your VPN network is, as shown by this line: dev tun0 scope link
Currently, your default router is:
default via dev eth0 proto static
which is of course what you do not want, because it belongs to your local LAN: thus all of your stuff is routed through your local gateway, as if the VPN did not exist.
You do have however, the all-important statement via dev eth0 src
which is the route to your VPN-provider.
I had not realized that the routing table is simply the one that is obtained from your VPN, without your intervention. This may indicate (indirectly) that your service provider is willing to forward only the traffic explicitly allowed in your table through the interface tun0, and may have taken further steps to block all other traffic, in which case your efforts will be futile.
However, assuming that your provider is willing to forward all of your traffic, what you need to do is the following.
First, you need to find out whether there is a gateway willing to accept your connection on the other side, because we need its IP address. I will give you four methods to do this.
1) With the pc connected to the VPN, try the following command:
sudo dhclient -v tun0
If everything goes well, you should see a reply containing this line:
DHCPOFFER of a.b.c.d from x.y.w.z
x.y.w.z is the IP address of the local gateway. You may have to shutdown your VPN after this test, and maybe even to reboot your pc, because we will have just messed up the routing table pretty well.
2) Alternatively, you may try navigating to one of the allowed sites (those that appear in your routing table as going through the tun0 interface), then issuing the command:
ip neigh show
You should get a list of pcs contacted through the ARP protocol, with MAC and IP address; most likely, you will receive either zero or one reply. If you get a single reply, then that's your router.
3) If you get no such reply, then you may try with
sudo nmap -sn
(which is going to be very slow). Your gateway will be one of the pcs listed, most likely the one with address ending in .1 or in .254, if any such exist.
4) Use the tcpdump command:
sudo tcpdump -n -i tun0
and see the IP addresses spewed out by the command.
If you get no proper reply to this test either, it means someone has really tightened the screws in his network.
But let us be optimistic, and suppose you now have a candidate IP address x.w.y.z for the remote router. You will need to delete the default gateway, (as sudo!):
ip route del default via
an add the new one:
ip route add default via x.w.y.z
and try to navigate.
Let me repeat: since your provider has allowed traffic only to a few selected IP addresses through his VPN, it is possible he may have taken extra measures (=firewall) to prevent a smart user to force his generic traffic through his VPN. In this case, there is nothing you can do. But if he did not, the above steps should help you find a solution.
Solution 2:
All of your route
commands are missing netmasks, so they only match the specific
address, not the entire internet. So replace
in the first command you tried:
ip route add -net gw homeportal dev tun0
There may be one caveat which I'm not sure if your VPN client solves by itself: the tunnel endpoint needs to be excluded from being routed via the VPN, it has to be routed via your eth0
interface. So if adding this default route breaks your VPN, add a specific route for your VPN endpoint:
ip route add <ENDPOINT>/32 dev eth0