Xml Comparison in C#

I'm trying to compare two Xml files using C# code. I want to ignore Xml syntax differences (i.e. prefix names). For that I am using Microsoft's XML Diff and Patch C# API. It works for some Xml's but I couldn't find a way to configure it to work with the following two Xml's:


<root xmlns:ns="http://myNs">


  <child xmlns="http://myNs">1</child>

My questions are:

  1. Am I right that these two xml's are semantically equal (or isomorphic)?
  2. Can Microsoft's XML Diff and Patch API be configured to support it?
  3. Are there any other C# utilities to to this?

The documents are isomorphic as can be shown by the program below. I think if you use XmlDiffOptions.IgnoreNamespaces and XmlDiffOptions.IgnorePrefixes to configure Microsoft.XmlDiffPatch.XmlDiff, you get the result you want.

using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace SO_794331
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var docA = XDocument.Parse(
                @"<root xmlns:ns=""http://myNs""><ns:child>1</ns:child></root>");
            var docB = XDocument.Parse(
                @"<root><child xmlns=""http://myNs"">1</child></root>");

            var rootNameA = docA.Root.Name;
            var rootNameB = docB.Root.Name;
            var equalRootNames = rootNameB.Equals(rootNameA);

            var descendantsA = docA.Root.Descendants();
            var descendantsB = docB.Root.Descendants();
            for (int i = 0; i < descendantsA.Count(); i++)
                var descendantA = descendantsA.ElementAt(i);
                var descendantB = descendantsB.ElementAt(i);
                var equalChildNames = descendantA.Name.Equals(descendantB.Name);

                var valueA = descendantA.Value;
                var valueB = descendantB.Value;
                var equalValues = valueA.Equals(valueB);

I know that you're focus isn't on unit tests, but XMLUnit can compare two XML files and I think it's able to solve your example. Maybe you could look at the code ahd figure out your solution.

I've got an answer by Martin Honnen in XML and the .NET Framework MSDN Forum. In short he suggests to use XQuery 1.0's deep-equal function and supplies some C# implementations. Seems to work.

It might be an idea to load XmlDocument instances from each xml file, and compare the XML DOM instead? Providing the correct validation is done on each, that should give you a common ground for a comparison, and should allow standard difference reporting. Possibly even the ability to update one from the other with the delta.