Alternative to "fc -s" in zsh?

In bash, I had a handy alias:

alias r="fc -s"

Which just repeated last command. Same as !!. I am now used to it (muscle memory), but I can't seem to figure out how to recreate the alias. fc doesn't have -s option in zsh. How can I bind !! behavior to r?

The command

fc -e -

should do what you want. This is a little bit tricky, because fc -e [edit-cmd] usually lets you edit tha last command with an editor. But if the [edit-cmd] equals -, no editor is invoked and the command is executed immediately.

But you won't need an alias for that, because the command r is already defined in the Z shell:

$ which r
r: shell built-in command

And what does it do? The zshbuiltins man page does know it:

r Same as fc -e -.