"git grep" equivalent in Subversion?

I'm a big fan of git grep. Does an equivalent exist in Subversion?

As answered in Exclude .svn directories from grep:

grep --exclude-dir=".svn"

This svngrep function provides basic funtionality similar to git grep:

svngrep() { grep  --color=always --exclude-dir=".svn" -r "$1" . | less -R; }

to paste in your .bashrc.

While not a perfect solution, I use the following to grep through revisions of a specific file:

for rev in `svn log FILE_TO_SEARCH | grep '^r[0-9][0-9]* ' | cut -f1 -d" "`; do svn cat -$rev FILE_TO_SEARCH 2>/dev/null | grep -q PATTERN_TO_FIND && echo $rev;done

The output is a list of revision numbers of that file that contain the string.