Download manager for Ubuntu [duplicate]

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What download managers are available for Ubuntu? Can you provide the link as well?

Solution 1:

I would recommend the wget command line utility which is absolutely awesome!

wget is a GNU free software package that is used for retrieving files over the web. If you have got it installed, then all you have to do is to get the download link and use wget to download it.

In order to get the download link, right click on whichever download you want in the firefox download manager. There will be an option ‘copy download link’. Click on it.

Then open a terminal and go to whichever folder you want the file downloaded to. Assuming it is in the Desktop, type the following command at the prompt:

$ wget <paste your download link here>

Now even if it gets stuck in the middle, you can resume from wherever it was interrupted by giving the option -c to wget. That is, the command will be like

$ wget -c <paste your download link here>

And there it continues beautifully.

Solution 2:

Axel is great! There is no limit on the number of connections, and you can utilize your bandwidth.

To install axel use this command:

sudo apt-get install axel

It's a CLI application. So open a terminal window and type in axel For more information and checking available options, you can look at the help page. I usually use these options:

axel -avn 50 address

It provides more information (-v), displays the alternative progress bar (-a) and downloads with 50 simultaneous connections (-n 50).

Downthemall extension for firefox is also great.

enter image description here

[Install it from here]( or search downthemall in the addon manager.)

Solution 3:

Try using FatRat download/upload manager , though a QT based but supports a lot of Features and is continuously extended.

Some of its features:

  • HTTP(S)/FTP downloads
  • FTP uploads
  • Support for SOCKS5 and HTTP proxies
  • RSS feed support + special functions for TV shows and podcasts
  • BitTorrent support (including torrent creating, DHT, UPnP, encryption etc.)
  • Torrent search on major torrent sites incl. The Pirate Bay, EZTV, BitTorrentMonster...
  • FREE and premium downloads
  • uploads
  • link verification and folder extraction
  • RapidSafe link decoding
  • MD4/MD5/SHA1 hash computing
  • Remote control via Jabber (!)
  • Remote control via an AJAX* web interface
  • Subtitle search
  • RAR/ZIP file unpacker
  • Scheduler
  • Clipboard monitor

You can even select the Download Protocol client, if supported as

enter image description here

On main Window , you can browse options like Details, Transfer speed Graphs ,Queue speed Graphs and Logs.

enter image description here

From settings window , you can setup FatRat for the following services

enter image description here

Other Useful Links :-

For Browser Integration

For Plugins and for Extensions

For FatRat Documentation

Official FatRat Page