How to batch compress images with Imagemagick or similar command or program in Linux
Solution 1:
The naming is a slightly different format, but:
for img in *.jpg; do
convert -resize 20% "$img" "opt-$img"
Solution 2:
Using a 'for' loop will definitely work - and is a good general technique - but you almost certainly have more than 1 processor on your machine, so why do just one conversion at a time?
You can get things moving a lot quicker if you do:
find . -name '*.jpg' | xargs -n1 -P8 -I{} convert -resize 20% "{}" "opt-{}"
The arguments to xargs are:
n1 - Only give 'convert' one file at a time
P8 - Use 8 processes
I{} - Replace {} with the filename given by 'find'
And then the convert command is given afterwards.