Trouble Joining an Active Directory Domain

The problem seems to have been that my admin had created an entry on the Domain Controller for this server. This apparently caused a conflict that caused Kerberos to encounter the following error when trying to join:

kyle@Server21:~$ sudo net ads join -k
Failed to join domain: failed to lookup DC info for domain 'COMPANYNAME.LOCAL' over rpc: An internal error occurred.

I'm not sure that this error was entirely accurate since my admin said the server was joined to the domain on his end and realmd indicated that I was joined as well:

kyle@Server21:~$ realm join COMPANYNAME.LOCAL
realm: Already joined to this domain

The steps I followed to get a successful Kerberos join were as follows:

  1. Admin removed the entry in the Domain Controller
  2. Reran Kerberos configuration using: sudo dpkg-reconfigure krb5-config
  3. Chose the options in the configuration to add the Domain Controller explicitly to the [realms] section of krb5.conf
  4. Changed the hostname to ensure a new record was created
  5. Pulled a new ticket using kinit
  6. Joined the domain using sudo net ads join -k

Final result:

kyle@SERV21:~$ sudo net ads join -k  
Using short domain name -- COMPANYNAME  
Joined 'SERV21' to dns domain 'CompanyName.Local'