How to prevent the Blue Golem resetting?

This picture that I just saw on League of Legends Reddit has a good way of explaining why and when it resets.

enter image description here

When someone attacks (leashes) blue buff, it will attempt to move towards that player to attack. However, blue buff can not move outside of its indicated aggro range. If the player that attacked blue first is still within its aggro range, it will continue to try and reach that player. When it can not, and it reaches its aggro range border, it will soft reset up to a maximum of 2 times. If the player that attacked it first leaves aggro range, it will continue to try, and move towards that player until it reaches its aggro range again. When it does, it will attempt to attack a player that is within the aggro range (and has attacked blue). Hard resets happen when it soft resets 2 times, then resets again. It will return to its original spawning location, ignoring all actions made by players.

As jungler, there is not much you can do. The guy who pulls has to get away immediatly. If the puller only hits the blue buff ONCE and just runs away, you will be fine in 99% of the cases. If he tries to apply dmg to the blue buff (2-3 is already enough) the blue buff might reaggro him, go out of his "camp zone" and reset cuase of that.

So just tell whoever has to pull to just pull and "gtfo".