Use abcde to produce high quality flac and mp3 output with album art under Xenial?

Xenial Xerus has a nice modern version of abcde:

andrew@athens:~$ abcde -v | head -n 1
This is abcde v2.7.1.

I would like to use this to produce:

  1. High quality mp3 files for my portable player
  2. Lossless flac files as an archival backup
  3. Suitable album art download for both formats

Using the capabilities of Xenial's abcde to perform all 3 actions at the same time...

Full disclosure: I was formerly one of the maintainers of abcde.

Solution 1:

The version of abcde under Xenial is quite capable but some extra applications are needed as well as abcde itself:

sudo apt-get install abcde lame eyed3 glyrc imagemagick cdparanoia flac

Now to create great quality mp3s and flacs at the same time (with album art also downloaded) the following simple commandline is required:

abcde -o 'flac:-8,mp3:-b 320' -G

abcde will ask you a few questions and then you can sit back while your CD is converted into 2 of the most popular audio formats today :).

Full disclosure: I was formerly one of the maintainers of abcde.