The Category of Small Categories: a Zoo of Functors.

Solution 1:

I've had fantasies of a similar general "math explorer" project that mathematicians can go to to look up theorems, definitions, vote on elegant proofs, etc. It would also have a 3D viewer to view all related theorems in an area and and you can see the areas that "need work" (for instance). I also want it to implement a fuzzy parser that understands through typos and even word substitution and can be updated with new input-to-output mappings very easily (ie. you don't have to write a grammar of valid input, but merely provide an example and what you want the output to be, or map it to another valid fuzzy input).

As you can see your project if left open to innovative features, which I think it should, will have a few non-trivial computer science & engineering challenges.

These links should get us started if anyone else is serious:


  • GitHub Repo For Hosting Code

  • Project Brainstorm Concept Map


  • Levenshtein Automata
  • Earley Parser
  • Graph Drawing

Libraries & Tools:

  • MonoDevelop (all OS)
  • Visual Studio 2010 C# Express
  • OpenTK (3D Graphics, Audio, etc.)


  • Group Explorer App

First thing we need to decide is a primary development language (for the explorer gui), or even if we're going to make a standalone app at all.

Please email me for editing privelages on the concept map:

enjoysmath at gmail.

Let me know if you'd like to contribute and need help setting up any of the tools.