Table row and column number in jQuery

How do I get the row and column number of the clicked table cell using jQuery, i.e.,

   var row = ...
   var col = ...

Solution 1:

You can use the Core/index function in a given context, for example you can check the index of the TD in it's parent TR to get the column number, and you can check the TR index on the Table, to get the row number:

  var col = $(this).parent().children().index($(this));
  var row = $(this).parent().parent().children().index($(this).parent());
  alert('Row: ' + row + ', Column: ' + col);

Check a running example here.

Solution 2:

$('td').click(function() {
    var myCol = $(this).index();
    var $tr = $(this).closest('tr');
    var myRow = $tr.index();