Mouse wheel does not work in Excel 2007

I am running Office 2007 on Windows XP-SP3. My mouse wheel works fine in other applications, meaning that it scrolls information up and down when the mouse is positioned over a given panel. It's even working fine in the other Office 2007 apps, so this is not a hardware or driver problem.

It doesn't help to click on a cell to give the worksheet focus.

I've tried various Advanced options that people recommend, to no avail:

  • Allow editing directly in cell
  • Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse

What the heck, has Microsoft disabled this most useful functionality?

The formula bar in Excel 2007 has become a multiline field and Microsoft has opted to allow the scroll wheel to scroll through the formula bar instead of through the spreadsheet.

One way to fix this is to turn off Universal Scrolling for the Excel application. Follow the instructions below to turn off Universal Scrolling for Excel:

  1. Click on your Start button.

  2. Click on Control Panel.

  3. Double-click your Mouse icon.

  4. Click on the Wheel tab at the top.

  5. Click on the Exceptions button.

  6. Click on the Add button

  7. Under Application Name, type Excel.

  8. Click on the Browse button and locate the Excel application on your machine. For Excel 2007, this is typically:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Excel.EXE
  9. Double-click on the Excel application executable or highlight it and click the Open button.

  10. Click OK all the way out.

  11. Reopen Excel and test the changes.

1) I went to Start, Control Panel, Mouse, Wheel and clicked on "Office 97 Emulation".

2) Open an Excel file / Click on "Office Button" located on the top left corner / Click on

"Excel options" button / Choose "Advanced" / Look for "Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse"

then uncheck that option / Click "OK"

Press Alt + W then F on the last visible row on the screen; this will unlock the pane and the scrolling should hopefully work as you expect again.