How can I set up a keyboard shortcut so that Ctrl+Backspace = Del?

Solution 1:

In Kubuntu Ctrl+Backspace by default is assigned to the action "Delete Word Backwards" which is used by some applications. You can overwrite this, though.

One solution was to install xautomation Install xautomation and then create a shortcut for Ctrl+Backspace which runs xte 'key Delete':

  • Open a terminal (i.e. Konsole) and run sudo apt-get install xautomation.

  • Open Custom Shortcuts via the search menu.

  • Click EditNewGlobal ShortcutCommand/URL. Name the new shortcut.

  • Go to the Trigger tab, click the input button (None) and press Ctrl+Backspace. Then click onto Reassign.

    enter image description here

  • Go to the Action tab and enter xte 'key Delete'.

  • Click Apply. Ready.

    enter image description here

(More about xte which is part of xautomation.)

To assign a new shortcut to "Delete Word Backwards" add a custom combination to that action within Standard Keyboard Shortcuts.

enter image description here