What is a good external trackpad for a Mac? [closed]

I hate to answer my own question, but I think it is clear that when I asked this question last year there was no clear answer. However with the recent introduction of the Magic Trackpad, I think that is now the clear winner (assuming the Mac has Snow Leopard).



Here is an older forum topic about external trackpads and some mice. From what I have seen you are going to be lucky to even find a few options of external trackpads made for os x. Finding one that supported multitouch would be even more rare, might not even be produced yet. There might be a few options linked on that forum. Good luck! Good question.

I think you'd find a FingerWorks iGesture very handy.

Multitouch trackpads existed before Apple made them common. Apple didn't invent them but rather bought FingerWorks which made large trackpads and even multitouch keyboards! Apple bought and closed this manufacturer, but you can still find the trackpads on Ebay, though they are rare. There's a keyboard for sale right now -- eBay link here.

If you have an iPhone or an iPod Touch you could use that as a trackpad. There are quite a lot of apps that you can use to control your Mac or PC via WiFi. One example is Touchpad, but you can probably find more.