Applying % number format to a cell value using OpenXML

I want to apply the % (percentage) number format using open XML C#

I have numeric value 3.6 that I want to display that number in excel as `3.6%.

How do I achieve that?

Solution 1:

  WorkbookStylesPart sp = workbookPart.AddNewPart<WorkbookStylesPart>();

Create a stylesheet,

 sp.Stylesheet = new Stylesheet();

Create a numberingformat,

sp.Stylesheet.NumberingFormats = new NumberingFormats();
// #.##% is also Excel style index 1

NumberingFormat nf2decimal = new NumberingFormat();
nf2decimal.NumberFormatId = UInt32Value.FromUInt32(3453);
nf2decimal.FormatCode = StringValue.FromString("0.0%");

Create a cell format and apply the numbering format id

cellFormat = new CellFormat();
cellFormat.FontId = 0;
cellFormat.FillId = 0;
cellFormat.BorderId = 0;
cellFormat.FormatId = 0;
cellFormat.NumberFormatId = nf2decimal.NumberFormatId;
cellFormat.ApplyNumberFormat = BooleanValue.FromBoolean(true);
cellFormat.ApplyFont = true;

//append cell format for cells of header row

//update font count 
sp.Stylesheet.CellFormats.Count = UInt32Value.FromUInt32((uint)sp.Stylesheet.CellFormats.ChildElements.Count);

//save the changes to the style sheet part   

and when you append the value to the cell have the following center code hereonversion and apply the style index in my case i had three style index hence the 3 one was my percentage style index i.e 2 since the indexes start from 0

string val = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal(value)/100);
Cell cell = new Cell();
cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.Number);
cell.CellValue = new CellValue(val);
cell.StyleIndex = 2;

Solution 2:

Unfortunately there isn't a straight-forward answer. If you download the OpenXML Productivity Tool for Microsoft Office, you can dissect a simple spreadsheet and see how it formats the number. To do just what you want you would need to:

  • Create a StyleSheet
  • Add a new NumberFormat with your custom definition
  • Create a CellStyleFormat, complete with Border, Fill, Font all defined, in addition to the NumberFormat above
  • Create a CellFormats, which refers to the above
  • Finally set your Cell's StyleIndex to the ID of your CellFormat which uses the NumberFormat.


A generally better option is to look at ClosedXML at (horrid name). It's an open source (NOT GPL! - check the license) library that puts useful extensions on OpenXML. To format a cell of a worksheet, you'd instead do:

worksheet.Cell(row, col).Value = "0.036";
worksheet.Cell(row, col).Style.NumberFormat.Format = "0.0%";

(from )

UPDATE ClosedXML has moved to GitHub at