Solution 1:

I was troubleshooting a similar problem, the environment was including HTTPS load balancer and Managed Instance group

Searched the available documentation no trace to access that logs, finally raised a support ticket with Google Cloud team, they replied that Health checks logs are not available for public access. Google team have their internal tools to verify health check failure logs and suggested their recommendation accordingly

We have the option to check health checks using gcloud command as follows but do not serve the log requirements we expect

$ gcloud alpha compute http-health-checks 

$ gcloud beta compute http-health-checks

Solution 2:

Health check logs are now available (in Beta, at the time of writing) via Cloud Logging.

(Note: Legacy Health checks are not supported)

In Cloud Logging (formerly known as Stackdriver) use a filter such as this:


Check (no pun intended) out the Healthcheck Logging Documentation for more information.

The link below will:
  1. Take you to the Cloud Logging, Log Viewer
  2. Pre-populate the filter to show all recent health check logs: