Getting "NoSuchMethodError: org.hamcrest.Matcher.describeMismatch" when running test in IntelliJ 10.5

Make sure the hamcrest jar is higher on the import order than your JUnit jar.

JUnit comes with its own org.hamcrest.Matcher class that is probably being used instead.

You can also download and use the junit-dep-4.10.jar instead which is JUnit without the hamcrest classes.

mockito also has the hamcrest classes in it as well, so you may need to move\reorder it as well

This problem also arises when you have mockito-all on your class path, which is already deprecated.

If possible just include mockito-core.

Maven config for mixing junit, mockito and hamcrest:


The problem was that the wrong hamcrest.Matcher, not hamcrest.MatcherAssert, class was being used. That was being pulled in from a junit-4.8 dependency one of my dependencies was specifying.

To see what dependencies (and versions) are included from what source while testing, run:

mvn dependency:tree -Dscope=test