Ubuntu 16.04 Unity Panel Problem: Window Title Not Shown

When the application is maximized, the title of window is sometimes shown on the panel bar. This is OK.

Title shown in panel correctly

And when the window is inactive (switched to another application), the title of first window is blurred (grayed out) as expected. That is also working as expected.

Title is grayed out in panel

But when the application is focused again, the title of the active window is not shown in the top panel bar.

Title is not shown in panel

I am using 2 monitors and there are a lot of applications running at the same time, so switching back and forth applications/windows is a common thing. And unfortunately the missing title bar of the active window is misleading and distracting.

The problem was also present in 15.04. See similar questions; " In ubuntu 15.04 title bar is not showing title " and " How to bring the title bar on maximize of an app? ".

This is some kind of temporary fix I've found. Go to "System settings -> Appearance -> Behavior" and there in "Menus visibility" section check the option "Displayed on mouse hovering". The menus then will load only on mouse hover, and the titles will be shown.

This worked for me but in reverse.

I uninstalled the global menu components via sudo apt-get remove indicator-appmenu. I then had the problem described above when my windows where in full screen mode. By checking "Displayed in the menu bar" and "Displayed on mouse hovering" in "System settings -> Appearance -> Behavior" my tile bar information is now displayed in the panel UNTIL I mouse hover over the panel while the application is in full screen mode. The title bar info disappears when hovering over with the mouse. I don't know why it does this but it works fine for me. Better actually since the info is present all the time so long as I avoid hovering over the panel which is not too hard. Thanks Илиан Д. Иванов.