I'm wondering if there exists an implementation/wrapper for ConcurrentQueue, similar to BlockingCollection where taking from the collection does not block, but is instead asynchronous and will cause an async await until an item is placed in the queue.

I've come up with my own implementation, but it does not seem to be performing as expected. I'm wondering if I'm reinventing something that already exists.

Here's my implementation:

public class MessageQueue<T>
    ConcurrentQueue<T> queue = new ConcurrentQueue<T>();

    ConcurrentQueue<TaskCompletionSource<T>> waitingQueue = 
        new ConcurrentQueue<TaskCompletionSource<T>>();

    object queueSyncLock = new object();

    public void Enqueue(T item)

    public async Task<T> Dequeue()
        TaskCompletionSource<T> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
        return tcs.Task.IsCompleted ? tcs.Task.Result : await tcs.Task;

    private void ProcessQueues()
        TaskCompletionSource<T> tcs=null;
        T firstItem=default(T);
        while (true)
            bool ok;
            lock (queueSyncLock)
                ok = waitingQueue.TryPeek(out tcs) && queue.TryPeek(out firstItem);
                if (ok)
                    waitingQueue.TryDequeue(out tcs);
                    queue.TryDequeue(out firstItem);
            if (!ok) break;

I don't know of a lock-free solution, but you can take a look at the new Dataflow library, part of the Async CTP. A simple BufferBlock<T> should suffice, e.g.:

BufferBlock<int> buffer = new BufferBlock<int>();

Production and consumption are most easily done via extension methods on the dataflow block types.

Production is as simple as:


and consumption is async-ready:

int item = await buffer.ReceiveAsync();

I do recommend you use Dataflow if possible; making such a buffer both efficient and correct is more difficult than it first appears.

Simple approach with C# 8.0 IAsyncEnumerable and Dataflow library

// Instatiate an async queue
var queue = new AsyncQueue<int>();

// Then, loop through the elements of queue.
// This loop won't stop until it is canceled or broken out of
// (for that, use queue.WithCancellation(..) or break;)
await foreach(int i in queue) {
    // Writes a line as soon as some other Task calls queue.Enqueue(..)

With an implementation of AsyncQueue as follows:

public class AsyncQueue<T> : IAsyncEnumerable<T>
    private readonly SemaphoreSlim _enumerationSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
    private readonly BufferBlock<T> _bufferBlock = new BufferBlock<T>();

    public void Enqueue(T item) =>

    public async IAsyncEnumerator<T> GetAsyncEnumerator(CancellationToken token = default)
        // We lock this so we only ever enumerate once at a time.
        // That way we ensure all items are returned in a continuous
        // fashion with no 'holes' in the data when two foreach compete.
        await _enumerationSemaphore.WaitAsync();
        try {
            // Return new elements until cancellationToken is triggered.
            while (true) {
                // Make sure to throw on cancellation so the Task will transfer into a canceled state
                yield return await _bufferBlock.ReceiveAsync(token);
        } finally {
