How to dual boot home PC with Linux and Windows 7?

Personally I use Ubuntu and that's quite nice for beginners. I've also heard that Linux Mint is good.

Provided you have already got your hard drive partitioned (or a 2nd hard drive) you should just be able to install Linux from the cd and it will prompt you with where you want to install it (make sure you don't overwrite your windows partitions). It will setup Grub (or something compatible) to prompt you on start up which OS you want to boot.

(If you don't already have windows installed it's generally considered best practise to install windows first as sometimes it can overwrite your Linux boot loader with it's own. I don't know if this has changed with newer versions or not)

It's as easy as that.

If you're new to Linux though, consider trying out a live CD or a VM for a bit first.

You can find some detailed instruction on dual-boot between existing OS and Ubuntu here,
like this Jaunty Jackalope / Windows7 Ultimate MultiBoot 'B' page.

(Ubuntu is generally consider quite user-friendly and up-to-date regarding drivers)