Does Apple provide an API for SIRI?

Is it possible that Apple does or will provide an API for Siri? It would be great if I can be sipping my coffee and say,

User: Hey Siri, could you please open Angry Birds; Level 4 and throw a first bird for me. Make sure you at least hit one green pig or it's coming out of your paycheck.

Siri: Yes sure, I will do that for you.

Is this possible? And would you think Apple will provide this to us?

Solution 1:


There is no API and there is no indication of it changing anytime soon. There are private headers that you can look at by decompiling the SDK. This is a great synopsis:


You can be clever like RTM though, this is as close as it gets:

Solution 2:

In iOS 10, Apple has announced an API for Siri called SiriKit. However, you can only do it as an app extension and only if your app implements one of the following types of services:

  • Audio or video calling
  • Messaging
  • Payments
  • Searching photos
  • Workouts
  • Ride booking
  • Climate and radio

SiriKit is a way for you to make your content available through Siri. It also lets you add support for your services to the Maps app. To support SiriKit, you use the Intents framework and Intents UI framework to implement one or more extensions that you then include inside your iOS app. When the user requests specific types of services through Siri or Maps, the system uses your extensions to provide those services.

This means SiriKit cannot be used for the scenario mentioned in the question and in ways that many of us would like.

Source: Apple Docs for SiriKit

Solution 3:

When the iPhone was first released, there was absolutely no public talk from Apple about custom app development. The delayed release of the SDK gave them plenty of time to get public feedback on the iPhone user experience and make the SDK ready for public use.

It seems likely that they're taking a similar approach with Siri.

Solution 4:

Not yet. If you want it, file a feature request at, and briefly describe what you want it for. The more people ask for it, the more likely it is to happen.