loadkeys not working

I want to learn how to switch the keyboard in a terminal to BÉPO (without being root), so I used the command loadkeys fr-bepo, but I am getting this error:

/usr/bin/ckbcomp: Can not find file "symbols/fr-bepo" in any known directory

I looked over the web for an hour, and they all said that the right command is loadkeys fr-bepo.

PS: I know that dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration allows to switch keyboard, but it demands root privileges, that's why I want to use loadkeys.

Solution 1:

I found the answer just after setting up the bounty lol.

In Debian derivatives (like Ubuntu), you have to install the package console-data with the command sudo apt-get install console-data

Then you can switch to bepo using this : loadkeys dvorak-fr-bepo.