In Infinity Blade 2, when is the right time to take on Bog Giant and Moss Golem?
Currently I have 3000 life, a sword that can inflict 100+ damage and shield that takes 70+ damage.
Despite having those, its really tough to kill Bog Giant and the life left in me after the fight makes it impossible to take on Moss Golem. I have completed the game, that is I freed the worker and got myself imprisoned, but I cant kill these two.
I am in my 8th rebirth. Am I playing really poor or is the difficulty apt to my stats?
And what do you think is best equipment, sword and shield or dual or heavy? I think heavy sucks. I have 700 damage weapon but I cant defend/dodge with it when fighting with these 2 big guys.
What do you guys say?
If defeating these guys is pretty important to you, spend the extra 40 or 50 k (depending on how far in you are) on a large health regen potion. This makes the first battle easier and puts the focus on the second (it stops after the first battle and doesn't give time in the second).
For the vile blade 45k isn't really asking much. I would suggest dual-wielding for this battle, considering shields are rendered obsolete due to the bog giant/moss Golem's high level of block breakage. In addition to that, make sure your ring has a health or at least shield attack, because these guys hit hard no matter how good you are at dodging or parrying.
You cn restart at rebirth 1 in the options.
This will help you to raise your stats. I think I had much better stats the first time I restarted at rebirth1 but cannot remember for sure.