Ubuntu Software (Software Center) Crash - Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu Software instantly crashes as I try to open it. Tried to access from terminal and gives the following error:

(ubuntu-software:5523): Gs-WARNING **: failed to open plugin /usr/lib/gs-plugins-9/libgs_plugin_xdg_app_reviews.so: /usr/lib/gs-plugins-9/libgs_plugin_xdg_app_reviews.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I fixed the same problem myself with

sudo apt-get upgrade gnome-software 

I had the same problem with gnome-software not starting at all. I found a solution that worked for me on this Launchpad bug page

Remove all files in ~/.local/share/gnome-software and then the application will start, for example

rm ~/.local/share/gnome-software/*