Is there a way to make a method which is not abstract but must be overridden?

Is there any way of forcing child classes to override a non-abstract method of super class?

I need to be able to create instances of parent class, but if a class extends this class, it must give its own definition of some methods.

Solution 1:

There is no direct compiler-enforced way to do this, as far as I know.

You could work around it by not making the parent class instantiable, but instead providing a factory method that creates an instance of some (possible private) subclass that has the default implementation:

public abstract class Base {
  public static Base create() {
    return new DefaultBase();

  public abstract void frobnicate();

  static class DefaultBase extends Base {
    public void frobnicate() {
      // default frobnication implementation

You can't write new Base() now, but you can do Base.create() to get the default implementation.

Solution 2:

As others have pointed out, you can't do this directly.

But one way to do this is to use the Strategy pattern, like so:

public class Base {
    private final Strategy impl;

    // Public factory method uses DefaultStrategy
    // You could also use a public constructor here, but then subclasses would
    // be able to use that public constructor instead of the protected one
    public static Base newInstance() {
        return new Base(new DefaultStrategy());

    // Subclasses must provide a Strategy implementation
    protected Base(Strategy impl) {
        this.impl = impl;

    // Method is final: subclasses can "override" by providing a different
    // implementation of the Strategy interface
    public final void foo() {;

    // A subclass must provide an object that implements this interface
    public interface Strategy {
        void foo();

    // This implementation is private, so subclasses cannot access it
    // It could also be made protected if you prefer
    private static DefaultStrategy implements Strategy {
        public void foo() {
            // Default foo() implementation goes here

Solution 3:

Consider making an interface with this method. Class descendants will have to implement it.

Solution 4:

I think the easiest way is to create an abstract class that inherits from the base class:

public class Base {
    public void foo() {
        // original method

abstract class BaseToInheritFrom extends Base {
    public abstract void foo();

class RealBaseImpl extends BaseToInheritFrom {
    public void foo() {
        // real impl

Solution 5:

No, that's the whole point of an abstract method. What is your use case? Perhaps we can think about it based on the underlying need.