Does Amazon S3 have "sub-directories"? (Rackspace Cloudfiles does not)

In Rackspace, all the "buckets" are one level.

Buckets cannot be inside other buckets. This makes it very hard for ORGANIZATION!

Edit: does anyone have any suggestions on which one to use...for best organization!? If no sub-buckets , are there any tips to organize multiple projects/files?

Solution 1:

Consider installing an EC2 server with Redis or Tokyo Cabinet or Hadoop or CouchDB, and then use that to manage your S3 storage. That way to can make sub-buckets and manage them in any way that you want. Or use the Google AppEngine with s3bucketapp that emulates S3. Or download the source code to s3bucketapp and modify it to allow for sub-buckets on your S3 bucket. There are lots of ways around this, some of which might even be commercially viable businesses.

Solution 2:

No but you can fake it by using "/" in the name of the resource you are placing in the bucket. Many of the bucket browsers support this and show it as folders.