Windows 8.1 memory leak which is invisible in process monitor and poolmon

After trying around for days, googling about everything and trying a lot I am left clueless.

I have a Razer 2013 Blade Pro with 8GB ram. I have 30 GB allocated for additional virtual ram.

My system eats ram, after a day I have to reboot. Task manager always shows 7.6-7.8GB of 8GB used (after a while) It shows 10+GB committed after half a day. Paged and non paged pool are less than a GB. cached is less than a GB Processes combined are less than a GB.

Normally 'poolmon' shows that something else like a driver is using the memory. However, in my case poolmon shows no extra usage of anything. Right now 12GB of disk space and 8GB of real memory are in use and nothing is using it.

So essentially my question is this:
If neither the task manager nor poolmon shows memory losses or usages, what else can I try to find out WHAT is using up 20GB of memory ?

Poolmon -b:

     Memory: 8304828K Avail:  357404K  PageFlts:749759184   InRam Krnl:31464K P:248372K
 Commit:12798116K Limit:32880828K Peak:12958348K            Pool N:168816K P:303892K
 System pool information
 Tag  Type     Allocs            Frees            Diff       Bytes                  Per Alloc

 CM31 Paged     76680 (   0)     49859 (   0)    26821   122609664 (          0)        4571
 wcdl Nonp         43 (   0)         0 (   0)       43    32427744 (          0)      754133
 MmSt Paged    997690 (   0)    989424 (   0)     8266    28019248 (          0)        3389
 rzud Nonp     109134 (   0)     46163 (   0)    62971    15651296 (          0)         248
 CM25 Paged      3295 (   0)         0 (   0)     3295    14479360 (          0)        4394
 MmRe Paged     21218 (   0)     19623 (   0)     1595    14009152 (          0)        8783
 Toke Paged  12315343 (   0)  12310825 (   0)     4518     8803808 (          0)        1948
 ConT Nonp       1585 (   0)      1212 (   0)      373     6365184 (          0)       17064
 BGIK Paged         1 (   0)         0 (   0)        1     6221824 (          0)     6221824
 Thre Nonp     449909 (   0)    447365 (   0)     2544     5244384 (          0)        2061
 Ntff Paged    582079 (   0)    578052 (   0)     4027     5218992 (          0)        1296
 CM16 Paged      9083 (   0)      8010 (   0)     1073     4685824 (          0)        4367
 Irp  Nonp   75321006 (   0)  75307341 (   0)    13665     4645936 (          0)         339
 XENO Nonp        594 (   0)       399 (   0)      195     4317616 (          0)       22141
 ViMm Paged   1873388 (   0)   1862026 (   0)    11362     4057360 (          0)         357
 File Nonp   59994297 (   0)  59983847 (   0)    10450     3492864 (          0)         334

The only unusual thing I see here is "pageflts" which is high, after first second of poolmon it drops to 50k per update. I guess that indicates something, maybe just that something is trying to get memory in an insane rate.

Update: I did not play on it, did not change resolution. enter image description here

Update: Rammap images with photoshop loaded (5GB in process memory): enter image description hereenter image description here Rammap images with photoshop stopped (memory still shows to be full): enter image description here

Also strange, aside from 18GB commited memory that are not shown, rammap shows 5 GB in processes which is also not the case.

P.S. I did a malwarebytes rootkit scan without anything. That's the only thing I can think about, a major bug in the windows OS regarding memory usage or a kernel rootkit.

This is a virtual Memory DirectX issue in Windows 8 which is caused when you run Application/Games in a different resolution compared to the Desktop resolution and in full screen.

You should see such a sawtooth graph in Process Explorer:

enter image description here

Microsoft will release a fix for this bug in the August 2014 Update Rollup. So you have to wait 1 more month until this gets fixed or play/run apps always with the native resolution.