Where do I find Arvak's skull in the Soul Cairn?

I am playing Dawnguard, the Skyrim DLC, and I have been given a quest to find Arvak's skull in the Soul Cairn. It is a big place, so can anyone lead me right direction?

After you pass through the "gate" where you met the questgiver, go EEEN (about 70 degrees right from N), it's a long walk but eventually you will find a shrine-like structure which is basically a roof supported by 4 columns, it will be illuminated from within in purple, the skull will be at the foot of a pedestal at the shrine's center. The shrine is due east of the entrance to Valerica's prison.

Here's a video guide.

I find the Soul Cairn to be hard to navigate (which is very unusual for me). Typically, I don't have a problem with finding Arvak... eventually.

There is, however, a mod which is available on Bethesda Net (but not on Nexus, oddly) which provides quest markers for both Arvak and the Opus.

It is available for the PC, XBox One, and PS4.