Execution permission to all files created under a specific Directory by default [duplicate]

I would like yo know if there is any method to provide execution permission to all files created under a specific directory by default.


If I create a file say foo.sh under a directory fooscripts, it should have execution permission by default. But if I create same file outside fooscripts it should be as usual.

Using inotifywait

As mentioned, you can use inotify-tools (inotifywait) to watch a specific directory for changes, for example by the script below, and subsequently set new files executable recursively.

The script uses the inotifywait -command, which is triggered by specific events, set by the -e -option. Luckily the command can be used in combination with multiple event types.
Since you want the files inside the directory to be executable, in the script, two events are set:

-e move

which will notice files moved into the directory, and

-e create

which will notice new files created inside the directory.

Furthermore, the options:

-m -r 

are to make the command run indefinitely ("monitor") and recursively in the directory, while:

--format '%w%f'

outputs the directory (path to the file, %w) plus the filename (%f) that caused the event.

More on options of inotifywait can be found here, or, as always, in man inotifywait

The script

# you might want to change the directory below into the targeted directory
inotifywait -m -r -e move -e create --format '%w%f' "$DIR" | while read f

  chmod +x "$f"

How to use

  1. You will probably have to install inotify-tools first:

    sudo apt-get install inotify-tools
  2. Copy the script into an empty file, save it as set_executable.sh

  3. In the head of the script, set the path to the targeted folder:

    # change the directory below into the targeted directory

    ...and test-run the script from a terminal.

  4. If all works fine, add the script to Startup Applications: Dash > Startup Applications > Add.


Note that notifywait acts on changes (events). That implies that files that were added or created before the script ran will not be effected. Nor will it re- set the files executable if you manually and deliberately set them not to be executable, while they are inside the targeted directory.

No. You could use inotify to watch the directory and chmod new files.

Here is how to find out about inotify:

man -k inotify
for i in $( man -k inotify | awk '{ print $1 }' ) ; do 
    man $i 
    read -p "Print?: " ans 
    if [[ "x$ans" = "xy" ]] ; then 
        man -t $i | lpr -J $i 
# sr is from surfraw, Shell Users Revoultionary Front Rage Against the Web
sr google inotify