How to continue event propagation after cancelling?

When a user clicks a certain link I would like to present them with a confirmation dialog. If they click "Yes" I would like to continue the original navigation. One catch: my confirmation dialog is implemented by returning a jQuery.Deferred object which is resolved only when/if the user clicks the Yes button. So basically the confirmation dialog is asynchronous.

So basically I want something like this:

$('').click(function(e) {
  e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropogation();
  MyApp.confirm("Are you sure you want to navigate away?")
    .done(function() {
      //continue propogation of e

Of course I could set a flag and re-trigger click but that is messy as heck. Any natural way of doing this?

Below are the bits from the code that actually worked in Chrome 13, to my surprise.

function handler (evt ) {
    var t =;
    setTimeout( function() {
        t.dispatchEvent( evt )
    }, 1000);
    return false;

This is not very cross-browser, and maybe will be fixed in future, because it feels like security risk, imho.

And i don't know what happens, if you cancel event propagation.

It could be risky but seems to work at the time of writing at least, we're using it in production.

This is ES6 and React, I have tested and found it working for the below browsers. One bonus is if there is an exception (had a couple during the way making this), it goes to the link like a normal <a> link, but it won't be SPA then ofc.


  • Chrome v.76.0.3809.132
  • Safari v.12.1.2
  • Firefox Quantum v.69.0.1
  • Edge 18
  • Edge 17
  • IE11


  • Android v.8 Samsung Internet
  • Android v.8 Chrome
  • Android v.9 Chrome
  • iOs11.4 Safari
  • iOs12.1 Safari


import 'mdn-polyfills/MouseEvent'; // for IE11
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

class ProductListLink extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.realClick = true;

    this.onProductClick = this.onProductClick.bind(this);

  onProductClick = (e) => {
    const { target, nativeEvent } = e;
    const clonedNativeEvent = new MouseEvent('click', nativeEvent);

    if (!this.realClick) {
      this.realClick = true;


    // @todo what you want before the link is acted on here

    this.realClick = false;

  render() {
      onClick={(e => this.onProductClick(e))}

I solved problem by this way on one of my projects. This example works with some basic event handling like clicks etc. Handler for confirmation must be first handler bound.

    // This example assumes clickFunction is first event handled.
    // you have to preserve called function handler to ignore it 
    // when you continue calling.
    // store it in object to preserve function reference     
    var ignoredHandler = {
        fn: false

    // function which will continues processing        
    var go = function(e, el){
        // process href
        var href = $(el).attr('href');
        if (href) {
             window.location = href;

        // process events
        var events = $(el).data('events');

        for (prop in events) {
            if (events.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                var event = events[prop];
                $.each(event, function(idx, handler){
                    // do not run for clickFunction
                    if (ignoredHandler.fn != handler.handler) {
              , e);

    // click handler
    var clickFunction = function(e){
        MyApp.confirm("Are you sure you want to navigate away?")
           .done(go.apply(this, e));

    // preserve ignored handler
    ignoredHandler.fn = clickFunction;

    // a little bit longer but it works :)

If I am understanding the problem correctly, I think you can just update the event to be the original event in that closure you have there. So just set e = e.originalEvent in the .done function.

.done(function(){ e = e.originalEvent;})

here is a fiddle with a different example (keep the console open so you can see the messages): this worked for me in chrome and firefox