passing data from controller to Type symfony2

You can pass parameters to the form class as follows:

protected $profile;

public function __construct (Profile $profile)
    $this->profile = $profile;

Then use it in the query_builder of your buildForm:

$profile = $this->profile;

$builder->add('framePlume', 'entity', array(
    'class' => 'DessinPlumeBundle:PhysicalPlume',
    'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) use ($profile) {
                            return $er->createQueryBuilder('pp')
                                ->where("pp.profile = :profile")
                                ->orderBy('pp.index', 'ASC')
                                ->setParameter('profile', $profile)


And finally in your controller:

// fetch $profile from DB
$form = $this->createForm(new PlumeOptionsType($profile), $plumeOptions);

You can use $plumeOptions to pass everything your argument, but you'll need to add a getDefaultOptions() in PlumeOptionsType to specify the default value for your option. See for instance to see what this method should look like.