Is there a difference in disenchanting strong items vs. weak ones? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Disenchanting diminished return

This answer states that the strength of the enchantment doesn't matter when disenchanting items to learn new enchantments.

Am I reading that right? If I have novice robes with 50% faster regen and disenchant it and my enchantment skill is at 5/5, when I enchant that item will it be the same result as disenchanting master robes with 150% faster regen? Because if you do the math, 5/5 enchanting will give you 100% better enchantment.

Therefore wouldn't it be better to disenchant more powerful items than weaker ones?

No. There is no difference.

When you disenchant an item you simply learn the "base enchant".

The strength of the enchant you apply to a weapon is a combination of the soul gem, your enchanting skill, your enchanting perks, and other enchanting modifiers (like armor or potions). As seen here:

net magnitude = base magnitude * soul multiplier * skill multiplier 
                * (1 + Enchanter perk) * (1 + specific perk modifier)

That is, if you disenchant a novice level '+1 Health' Hide Helmet or a master level '+30 Health' Daedric Armor, you learn the same base enchant.