Solution 1:

I am also getting this issue with Intel integrated graphics on my Dell XPS 13 after upgrading to 16.04 LTS.

Let's see if we can fix this together. Can you copy-pasta the output of the following terminal commands:

sudo su
*password for super user*
lshw -c video

Tell me what you get and if it's similar to my trouble maybe my solution attempt will work for you.

UPDATE: I use Intel Integrated graphics for my machine so I think I have a solution. I will update by the end of the day, but it seems to be working fine with dual display at work. I did the following:

sudo su
*password for su*
apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
apt autoremove

UPDATE: The above stopped my screen from flickering until I opened google chrome, or chromium. I believe this may be related to gpu optimization in chrome and chromium. I will look into this more and clean up this update when I have narrowed the problem down.

Final UPDATE: I pushed a short bash file to my github page that definitively solves this problem for intel integrated graphics users. You can download it and run it from

If my answer helped you please give me an up vote and help me make better posts in the future by commenting.