Delete directories recursively in Java

Solution 1:

You should check out Apache's commons-io. It has a FileUtils class that will do what you want.

FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File("directory"));

Solution 2:

With Java 7, we can finally do this with reliable symlink detection. (I don't consider Apache's commons-io to have reliable symlink detection at this time, as it doesn't handle links on Windows created with mklink.)

For the sake of history, here's a pre-Java 7 answer, which follows symlinks.

void delete(File f) throws IOException {
  if (f.isDirectory()) {
    for (File c : f.listFiles())
  if (!f.delete())
    throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to delete file: " + f);

Solution 3:

In Java 7+ you can use Files class. Code is very simple:

Path directory = Paths.get("/tmp");
Files.walkFileTree(directory, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
   public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
       return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

   public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException {
       return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

Solution 4:

One-liner solution (Java8) to delete all files and directories recursively including starting directory:

                .sorted((o1, o2) -> -o1.compareTo(o2))

We use a comparator for reversed order, otherwise File::delete won't be able to delete possibly non-empty directory. So, if you want to keep directories and only delete files just remove the comparator in sorted() or remove sorting completely and add files filter:
