What is the correct pronunciation of Xubuntu?

I know how to pronounce Ubuntu but I don't know how to pronounce Xubuntu (which I'm currently enjoying). Should it be

  • 'zoo'-buntu or
  • 'eks'-ubuntu or
  • something else ?

(Similarly 'loo'-buntu or 'el'-ubuntu, 'koo'-buntu or 'kay'-ubuntu?)

Maybe this is just a matter of opinion (unlike for the real preexisting word ubuntu), but I want to get it right if there is a right way.

Solution 1:

The first one... Zoo-buntu!

That's how it's described here:

Xubuntu (Pronounced: /zù'búntú/) is an official Ubuntu-based operating system.

Lubuntu = Loo-buntu

Kubuntu = Koo-buntu, though I always seem to pronounce it as more of a Kuh sound.

Solution 2:

Pragmatic answer: don't forget that these distros are used by people whose native language isn't English... any pronunciation which is not ambiguous/misleading for your audience is fine. Your audience should be able to infer the spelling from your pronunciation. Pronounce "Zoo-buntu" in front of French people and they will google for Zubuntu after the meeting...

Solution 3:

Concerning Xubuntu, I go for ksoo-buntu...

My suggestion for Kubuntu would be Q-buntu. I pronounce Lubuntu as loo-buntu (with a short oo, unlike the toilet).

Solution 4:

In contrast to the other answer, I call them by the letter then Ubuntu, so based on your examples




This is the correct way to pronounce them IMO because the names are based on the desktops they use, they are

'eks' FCE

'el' XDE

'kay' DE

Respectively, people can call them what ever they like but looking at where the names come from, this seems the correct way.