How can I redirect OS X dtruss output when running with sudo?

I'm running dtruss on Mac OS X 10.9. Simple example is:

sudo -c ls

But I'd like to capture the dtruss output into a file. I saw something that suggests that I can do something like:

sudo bash -c 'dtruss -c ls >x'

but when I do this the output of dtruss still goes to the terminal and the list of file from ls gets redirected to the file.

How can I redirect the output of dtruss to a file?

Solution 1:

I've been running it like this:

sudo dtruss -f -p 12345 2> /tmp/trace.txt
  • -f says to follow child processes.
  • -p specifies which process ID to trace.
  • 12345 is a placeholder for a process ID. You could get that by looking at top or ps -A.
  • 2> pipes standard error into the output file. For some reason dtruss outputs everything on stderr.