How to tell Windows 7 to ignore a default gateway

Solution 1:

You can try to force the metric for the adapter to be higher than the adapter. This should push Windows 7 to prefer the adapter when routing to a network that is not directly connected.

  1. Open the Properties of your network adapter.
  2. Open the properties of Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
  3. Click on Advanced.
  4. Uncheck Automatic Metric and set the Interface Metric value to a high number, say 2000.
  5. Hit OK until you close the screens.

You can view what metrics are used using the route print and looking at the metric column for the routes listed. Windows 7 uses a more dynamic metric than the previous versions, so you'll want to make sure you set the adapter to a high enough number to prevent it from being lower than your adapter.

Solution 2:

Apple's Bonjour service is known to cause the gateway issue. It is installed by iTunes or Adobe Suites.

Here's how to turn it off:

This bug has been dogging me since Vista, thanks Apple for your crappy software!