On postback, how can I add a error message to validation summary?

Dynamically create a CustomValidator control and add it directly to the Page.Validators collection.

Dim err As New CustomValidator
err.ValidationGroup = "MyGroup"
err.IsValid = False
err.ErrorMessage = "The password is invalid"

Unlike adding the CustomValidator to the markup, this method allows you to add any number of arbitrary error messages based on server-side business logic.

Note that you can also add it to the page directly, but there are a couple of rules to follow:

  1. You must add the control to the same naming container as the controls of the validation group.
  2. If you don't want the validation message to appear in a random position in the page, you will either have to add the validator to a specific container or you will need to supress it using a CSS class or style.

You can also create a custom class and implement IValidator, which enables you to add the message with one line of code, but this method doesn't support Validation Groups.

Per Anders Fjeldstad's suggestion, here are a set of handy extension methods.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Public Module PageExtensions

    <Extension()> _
    Public Sub AddValidationError(ByVal p As System.Web.UI.Page, ByVal errorMessage As String)
        p.AddValidationError(errorMessage, String.Empty)
    End Sub

    <Extension()> _
    Public Sub AddValidationError(ByVal p As System.Web.UI.Page, ByVal errorMessage As String, ByVal validationGroup As String)
        Dim err As New CustomValidator
        err.ValidationGroup = validationGroup
        err.ErrorMessage = errorMessage
        err.IsValid = False
    End Sub

End Module

Add a custom validator and manually set it's IsValid and ErrorMessage properties. Sort of like this:

<asp:panel ID="ErrorsPanel" runat="server" CssClass="ErrorSummary">
    <asp:CustomValidator id="CustomValidator1" runat="server" 
        Display="None" EnableClientScript="False"></asp:CustomValidator>
    <asp:ValidationSummary id="ErrorSummary" runat="server" 
        HeaderText="Errors occurred:"></asp:ValidationSummary>

In the code behind:

// Update the database with the changes
string ErrorDetails;
if (!Db.Update(out ErrorDetails))
    CustomValidator1.IsValid = false;
    CustomValidator1.ErrorMessage = ErrorDetails;

Here's a little extension to the good idea from NightOwl888:

public class ValidationError : CustomValidator
    public ValidationError(string group, string msg)
        : base()
        base.ValidationGroup = group;
        base.ErrorMessage = msg;
        base.IsValid = false;

public static class PageExtensions
    public static void ErrorMessage(this Page page, string group, string msg)
        page.Validators.Add(new ValidationError(group, msg));

Whenever you want to issue an error message, simply call Page.ErrorMessage; the mechanism is the same as he suggested.

Well all you need to do is create a Custom Validator and add it to the Validator collection of your page, whenever the condition to do so arises.

CustomValidator cv = new CustomValidator();

cv.IsValid = false;
cv.ErrorMessage = "This Catalog Data already exists.";
cv.ValidationGroup = "InputList";

NOTE: Dont forget to specify the ValidationGroup, or the error message is not going to be displayed inspite of the custom validator being added to your page. And ya, if you do get an answer to your 2nd question(highlighting textbox) do post it!